Oztec Manufacturing's Policy is to provide, under the Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Policy, a safe and healthy work environment for employees, contractors, customers and visitors.
Oztec aims to:
- Provide safe plant and systems of work.
- Ensure all plant, equipment and materials are used and maintained in accordance with manufacturers' specifications so as to minimise the risk of injury.
- Provide adequate and appropriate workplace health and safety instruction and supervision to persons carrying out the Works.
- Provide employees and contractors with information, instruction, training and supervision to ensure their safety.
- Work towards constant and continuous improvement in safety and quality.
- Ensure employees report all hazards to their supervisor.
- Wear personal protective equipment and clothing as instructed.
- To ensure employees, contractors, subcontractors and other persons who may enter or be working on the workshop floor and work sites follow all OHS procedures and safe work instructions.
- Oztec Manufacturing to provide the resources to meet our OH & S commitment.
- To ensure all OHS policies and procedures are implemented.
Oztec Manufacturing is committed to encouraging consultation and cooperation between management and employees. We will involve employee health and safety representatives in any workplace change which will affect the health and safety of employees in any workplace.